Fear-Less Spray - Flower Essence

Composure and containment when challenged by fear, anxiety, or panic.

Primary Indications:
  • For any known condition that provokes fear or anxiety
  • For use during any natural disaster or personal calamity. Works well in tandem or alternation with Five-Flower Formula during the most intense and immediate episodes of panic and chaos.
  •  A beneficial remedy for those with a constitutional tendency toward fear, panic, anxiety, restless agitation or disturbed sleep accompanied by anxiety


  • Red Clover – For rampant states of panic or anxiety triggered by social or environmental stimuli; works to calm the heart and to stabilize psychic receptor sites carried in the blood stream
  • Mountain Pride – A unique species of wild alpine Penstemon, to build strength and courage when confronting adversarial conditions
  • California Valerian – Providing a fortifying sheath for the nerves during times of excessive agitation and chaos
  • Oregon Grape – To counteract overly-guarded or paranoid states of consciousness; promoting a calm center of objective awareness
  • Mimulus – Tendency to withdraw or compromise one’s activity due to fear and anxiety; ability to take risks and learn from demanding situations
  • Rock Rose – Terror or extreme fright; the need for positive grounding and internal anchoring in time of stress or turmoil
  • Green Rose – Nourishing for the heart in times of turbulence; helps to counteract fear with positive forces of compassion and connection to one’s environment
  • Essential Oils: Bergamot and Cistus essential oils nourish the light structures of the energy body, while Lavender and Ylang Ylang provide calm and centering forces.

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